On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 14:42 +0100, sebb wrote:
> On 9 August 2010 14:32, Oleg Kalnichevski <ol...@apache.org> wrote:
> > ...
> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Sebastian
> >> >> >
> >> >> > I finally got around to finalizing the release process. I was able to
> >> >> > delete .asc.md5 and .asc.sha1 but for some reason I was unable to
> >> >> > promote the release. The Promote button always stays grayed out for 
> >> >> > me.
> >> >> > What could be the reason? Am I lacking some permissions?
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Cheers
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Oleg
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> I can't help with your promote button grayed out problem, its grayed
> >> >> out for me too when i look at httpcomponents-009, though the release
> >> >> button is not. May i ask how you managed to delete files from the
> >> >> Nexus staging repo? I'm trying to do similar for some Tuscany
> >> >> experiments with Nexus but can't find how to delete individual files.
> >> >>
> >> >>    ...ant
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Hi Anthony
> >> >
> >> > You can delete files staged in a repository in the Browser panel (the
> >> > one on the very bottom). The trouble is apparently there is no way to
> >> > delete multiple files at once.
> >> >
> >> > Any idea what the Release button does? Does not seem to do anything for
> >> > me.
> >>
> >> The Nexus UI has changed; previously the Promote and Drop options were
> >> available as right-click menu items.
> >> I don't think there was a Release option previously.
> >>
> >> The documentation at
> >> http://www.sonatype.com/books/nexus-book/reference/staging-sect-managing-staging.html#staging-sect-promoting
> >> does not really help much in distinguishing Release and Promote.
> >> Indeed the Release screenshot is titled "Figure 9.22. Promoting a
> >> Staging Repository" which is rather confusing.
> >>
> >> I've no idea what the difference between Promote and Release is, but
> >> I'm surprised Release does nothing for you.
> >>
> >> Maybe I should try the Release button and see what gives?
> >>
> >
> > Absolutely. Please do!
> OK.
> Pressed Release - I get a popup with a comment field.
> Pressed OK - I get a confirmation saying "The selected repositories
> have successfully been released"
> However, the status of the repo is still shown as closed, and I can
> repeat the process without generating an error.
> Is that what you meant by "does nothing" ?

Given the fact that release artifacts do not appear to have been copied
to the expected location in the release repository, this does qualify as
'does nothing' to me.


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