Since the release vote passed, I've gone ahead and moved the tag from candidate 
to release, and then copied the release binaries to the distribution directory. 
 According to the instructions, those will take about 24 hours to propagate to 
all mirrors.

Ed, I think you mentioned in IRC that you are going to work on updating    Besides the releases/news, we should get rid of 
references to Hive as a Hadoop subproject.  (For the bar at the top, I checked 
Pig and HBase, and they still have Hadoop logo and nav menu, so I guess we can 
leave that for now.)  We should also update the mailing list addresses (but 
leave the wiki URL alone for now).  Let me know whether you're going to take 
care of these or you want me to.

Carl, as release manager, can you send out the release announcement once 
everything is ready?  I'll be at ApacheCon US next week in Atlanta and will be 
spreading the word on the release there.


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