Ed mentioned in IRC that he would not be able to get to this for a few days, so 
I'll see if I can update it today so that you can announce the release.


On Oct 27, 2010, at 10:19 PM, Carl Steinbach wrote:

> Hey,
> I'd like to reference "Hive Releases" page in the 0.6.0 release announcement
> email. Ed, can you please update this page? 
> (http://hive.apache.org/releases.html)
> It looks like the links for the old releases need to be updated, and for the 
> 0.6.0 release
> we should provide a link to the JIRA release notes page instead of to the 
> CHANGES document,
> i.e. 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310843&styleName=Html&version=12314524
> Thanks.
> Carl
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Carl Steinbach <c...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> Carl, as release manager, can you send out the release announcement once 
> everything is ready?  I'll be at ApacheCon US next week in Atlanta and will 
> be spreading the word on the release there.
> Will do! 

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