The stated plan for 2.0 when we created branch-1 was to be able to release more aggressively from master. As Xuefu points out we've added a lot of code and features. I'm +1 for having a 2.0 release soon, but we should be very clear with users that many of the new features are in alpha or beta states and that we don't recommend this release for production use.


Xuefu Zhang <>
November 10, 2015 at 14:04
I understand that there have been a lot of things that have been added or
merged to master. However, I think many of us has no clear picture where
things are, especially about new features and their stability/usability.
Thus, I think it would be great if someone can give an high-level overview
on what we are releasing and the watermark on the quality ladder. This
should help us decide if it's time...


Thejas Nair <>
November 10, 2015 at 13:46
It would be good to let users play with some of the new features and
give feedback.

Regarding the vote, we don't have a precedent for conducting that for
a release proposal. So this discussion thread should be sufficient,
unless someone feels otherwise.
There will certainly be a vote on the RC.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Sergey Shelukhin
Sergey Shelukhin <>
November 10, 2015 at 11:58
I would like to start the discussion about the first Hive 2 release and
volunteer to be a release manager.
The branch has existed for a while and has a lot of new exciting features.

If there are no objections, I’ll start a VOTE thread soon. Please mark the
unfinished features that you’d like to go in, and must-fix bugs via Target
Version field in the JIRAs; we can cut the branch late next weeks assuming
the vote passes (by which time the features that are ready to go should
mostly be in), and work on fixing bugs and making an RC.

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