This rings very true to me

On 7/3/17, 6:20 AM, "Edward Capriolo" <> wrote:

    I am going to give a hypothetical but real world situation. Suppose I want
    to add the statement "CREATE permanent macro xyz", this feature I believe
    would cross cut calcite, hive, and hive metastore. To build this feature I
    would need to orchestrate the change across 3 separate groups of hive
    'subcommittees' for lack of a better word. 3 git repos, 3 Jira's 3
    releases. That is not counting if we run into some bug or misfeature (maybe
    with Tez or something else) so that brings in 4-5 releases of upstream to
    add a feature to hive. This does not take into account normal processes
    mess ups. For example say you get the metastore done, but now the people
    doing the calcite/antlr suggest the feature have different syntax because
    they did not read the 3-4 linked tickets when the process started? Now, you
    have to loop back around the process. Finding 1 person in 1 project to
    usher along the feature you want is difficult, having to find and clear
    time with 3 people across three projects is going to be a difficult along
    with then 'pushing' them all to kick out a release so you can finally use
    said feature.

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