
considering the absence of the input, I take it that it really doesn't matter
which way the custom artifact will be published. Is it a correct impression?

My first choice would be
If this meets the objections from the community here, then I'd like to proceed

Any of the artifacts are better be published at Maven central to make it
readily available for development community.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 10:08PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
> Guys,
> I am trying to help Spark/Shark community ( and now
> with a predicament. Shark - that's
> also known as Hive on Spark - is using some parts of Hive, ie HQL parser,
> query optimizer, serdes, and codecs. 
> In order to improve some known issues with performance and/or concurrency
> Shark developers need to apply a couple of patches on top of the stock Hive:
> (just committed to trunk)
> (as per
> The issue here is that latest Shark is working on top if Hive 0.9 (Hive 0.11
> work is underway) and having developers to apply the patches and build
> their own version of the Hive is an extra step that can be avoided. 
> One way to address it is to publish Shark specific versions of Hive artifacts
> that would have all needed patches applied to stock release.  This way
> downstream projects can simply reference the version org.apache.hive with
> version 0.9.0-shark-0.7 instead of building Hive locally every time.
> Perhaps this approach is a little overkill, so perhaps if Hive community is
> willing to consider a maintenance release of Hive 0.9.1 and perhaps 0.11.1
> to include fixes needed by Shark project?
> I am willing to step up and produce Hive release bits if any of the committers
> here can help with publishing.
> -- 
> Thanks in advance,
>       Cos

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