> From: Sascha Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Sander Striker wrote:
>>> I'm not totally sure I'm sold on this approach being better.  But,
>>> I'm not sure that it is any worse either.  Don't have time to
>>> benchmark this right now.  I'm going to throw it to the wolves and
>>> see what you think.
>> Me neither.  Rabin-Karp introduces a lot of * and %.
>> I'll try Boyer-Moore with precalced tables for '<!--#' and '--->'.
>     Well, there are more advanced algorithms than BM available
>     today which are even easier to implement that the original BM
>     algo.

Easier to implement?  BM is so simple, I can't imagine something
being simpler.
>     I'd suggest looking at BNDM which combines the advantages of
>     bit-parallelism (shift-and/-or algorithms) and suffix
>     automata (BM-style).
>     http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/navarro01fast.html
>     To give you an idea on how a bndm implementation looks like,
>     I'm appending an unpolished implementation I did some time
>     ago which includes a test-case for locating '<!--#'.

Indeed the LOC is low.  Very cool!  Considering that we can
precal a bndm_t for '<!--#' and '--->'.
It is certainly more advanced.

>     - Sascha                                     Experience IRCG
>       http://schumann.cx/                http://schumann.cx/ircg

Ian, since you were doing the mod_include.c optimizations anyway,
can you check this out?

Btw, do we have any string matching code in apr or apr-util?  I
can see the applicability of decent string matchers in other parts
than mod_include.


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