Hi all,
I want to ask some questions about Apache on Win32:

- someone asked me for mod_vhost_alias on Win32, so I compiled it and it loads into 
Server, but didnt test more with it; can we add this to the 1.3 Win32 project or does 
someone think it will not run for some reason? (I didnt look at the code because it 
compiled without problems).

- as there is a makefile for mod_example for unix present also there should be one for 
other platforms as Win32 and NetWare too, not build by default but present in the 

- the manual doesnt work after build, at least not on Win32 and NetWare. I have to add 
always the 'Includes' and 'AddHandler server-parsed .html' directives. As you know I 
posted this issue already to the list and someone told me that the files will be 
expanded; but at least with NetWare I'm 100% sure that there expands nothing and on 
Win32 also after 'InstallBin' the manual isnt functional. I think it would be nice if 
we add these two directives to the new directory block of ./manual because then we 
have immediatly after a build also a functioning sample for SSI:
    <Directory "sys:/apache/manual">
        AddHandler server-parsed .html 
        Options Includes Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

I have here only added what is neccessary, but I would also remove Indexes and 
FollowSymlinks as these are not needed there.

- currently we have 45 warnings with the Win32 build of 1.3: does it make sense that I 
look through it and make some casts to make VC6 happy and contribute patches?

- I've used a patch against mod_autoindex which enables setting of colors with server 
generated indexes and it works fine; no I wanted to build mod_autoindex as separate 
module, but when I do so mod_autoindex runs fine but 'MultiViews' doesnt work anymore! 
Is this because of wrong load order? I tested this only with NetWare, so it may be an 
issue with this platform...


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