On Monday 26 November 2001 12:06 pm, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> In my earlier attempts at buffering filters, I would allocate a single
> block of memory within the filter's state and use that as fill-area in
> the same way that the old buff.c code managed its buffers (though simpler
> because it wasn't trying to do so many different things in one routine).
> This requires that a setaside function take a storage area and max length
> as an argument, rather than a pool.

But setaside shouldn't always be concatenating data.  It only makes sense
to concatenate the data if you have more then MAX_IOVEC buckets and less
than 8K of data.  If I have a heap bucket with 400 bytes and another heap bucket
with 2K, there is no reason to concatenate the data yet.

Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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