Greg Ames wrote:
> Brian Pane wrote:

> > One more thought:  I graphed the CPU utilization from your vmstat
> > output, and the spike is mostly sys time, not usr.  So truss/strace
> > data may be helpful--especially if truss on that platform can measure
> > the time spent in each syscall.
> truss doesn't measure time on FreeBSD according to the man page.  But
> maybe there are a lot more syscalls in the failing case, so I'll try it.

~gregames/2.0.30.truss and ~gregames/2_0_28.truss are available on
daedalus, if you're interested.  The former was created by trussing a
process while running log replay against the 2.0.30 server on port 8092;
the latter was a process on the production server.  

There could be some differences in 2.0.30 due to my test environment: it
listens on two ports (adds a poll() before the accept() ), and I was
running thru a firewall which seems to introduce some network errors.


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