On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 10:40:41AM -0500, Greg Ames wrote:
> ~gregames/2.0.30.truss and ~gregames/2_0_28.truss are available on
> daedalus, if you're interested.  The former was created by trussing a
> process while running log replay against the 2.0.30 server on port 8092;
> the latter was a process on the production server.  
> There could be some differences in 2.0.30 due to my test environment: it
> listens on two ports (adds a poll() before the accept() ), and I was
> running thru a firewall which seems to introduce some network errors.

Here's a syscall count printed side-by-side:

2.0.28                        2.0.30

1696 sendfile                 1180 gettimeofday
 920 select                   805 read
 355 open                     579 open
 322 gettimeofday             577 fcntl
 314 read                     359 close
 287 lstat                    260 getrusage
 199 stat                     232 stat
 133 close                    206 select
 114 getrusage                156 writev
 109 fstat                    134 setsockopt
 102 write                    134 poll
 100 getdirentrie             134 getsockname
  72 fcntl                    134 accept
  55 writev                   130 write
  50 lseek                    129 fstat
  50 fstatfs                  127 shutdown
  11 shutdown                 113 lstat
  11 setsockopt               80 munmap
  11 getsockname              80 mmap
  11 accept                   72 getdirentries
   8 munmap                   36 lseek
   8 mmap                     36 fstatfs
                              18 sendfile
                              11 SIGNAL
                               3 pipe
                               3 break
                               1 wait4
                               1 fork

At first the sendfile difference jumped out at me, perhaps we're doing
something different in how we decide when to use sendfile? Perhaps the
rise in writev was to compensate?  Granted, this is not at all under
the same workload, but I'm assuming that at least one of the load spikes
was captured in the 2.0.30 trace.

The other thing that jumps out at me is the existance of 11 SIGNALS
in the 2.0.30 trace. How often would we expect SIGNAL to occur under
normal conditions?

Also, this is not normalized, but the total syscall count for each is
not that far off:

aaron@daedalus% wc -l ~gregames/2.0.30.truss ~gregames/2_0_28.truss           ~
    5731 /home/gregames/2.0.30.truss
    4938 /home/gregames/2_0_28.truss


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