From: "Ryan Bloom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 12:36 PM

> On Monday 07 January 2002 05:14 am, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> > <Location server-status>
> >     SetHandler Status
> >     DocumentRoot unset
> > </Location>
> > 
> > gets rid of the stats that FirstBill complained of [which were in 1.3 as well.]
> I was under the impression that those stats could be removed by having the 
> status module implement a map-to-storage function.  Did I misunderstand the
> purpose of that hook?  I realize that putting the DocumentRoot directive in the
> core would allow a module author to not have to implement the map-to-storage
> hook and still receive the same benefit.  I do not consider that a good reason
> to introduce the complexity of allowing DocumentRoot inside a <Location>
> container.

IFF the module author writes a map to storage hook, and if the handler is
determined in the translate-name hook, then yes, any module can subvert the
dir/file walks.

But if we look at very simple modules, unsetting the document root gives us
the same control, without writing a map-to-storage hook fn.

Note that mod_alias'es are always processed sequentially.  Locations are parsed
by segments, if I'm not mistaken.  Today;

alias /foo -> /www/thesefiles
alias /foo/bar -> /www/thosefiles

given im that order mean that all /foo requests are redirected to /www/thesefiles,
and /www/thosefiles are never hit.  Location parsing makes more sense, so a 
DocumentRoot directive in <location /foo/bar> will always supersceed the DocRoot
of <location /foo> if a request for /foo/bar/bleh comes in.  This, I believe, is

One last observation;  mod_alias is an add-in module.  DocumentRoot would be
a core (or someday, a filesystem module) directive.  When we implode the core's
dependence on the filesystem as a document store, DocumentRoot will make more
sense than 'aliasing' ourselves to death :)

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