On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 10:27:18AM -0400, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> Morning all ...
>       Just built a 'jail' environment under a 4.5 system so that I can
> putz around with Apache2-HEAD, where I could "reformat" at will to clean
> up any cruft ... build went great, using:
> #!/bin/sh
> ./configure  \
>         --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
>         --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl \
>         --enable-so \
>         --with-suexec-caller=nobody \
>         --with-mpm=worker \
>         --enable-threads \
>         --with-port=80 \
>         --enable-mods-shared='all cgid ssl proxy proxy-connect proxy-ftp proxy-http 
>cache mem-cache file-cache'
>       Install went as smooth ... but I can't connect ...
>       logs/error_log shows:
> [Fri Jan 11 14:20:17 2002] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr
> [Fri Jan 11 14:20:18 2002] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr
> [Fri Jan 11 14:20:19 2002] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest 
>authentication ...
> [Fri Jan 11 14:20:19 2002] [notice] Digest: done
> [Fri Jan 11 14:20:19 2002] [warn] pid file /usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.pid 
>overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
> [Fri Jan 11 14:20:19 2002] [crit] (78)Function not implemented: Fatal error: could 
>not open(create) scoreboard
>       And a ps listing shows no root process, only the one nobody
> process:
> jail# ps aux | grep http
> nobody  83618  0.0  1.1  4224 2924  ??  IJ    2:20PM   0:00.00 bin/httpd
>       Even if I comment out the 'ScoreBoard' line in httpd.conf, it
> gives the 'Function not implemented' error ...

I'm not familiar enough with the "jail," but it sounds like
anonymous mmap may not be supported in this environment.  Can you 
grep for APR_USE_SHMEM in srclib/apr/include/apr.h and send that?
I'll bet mmap is returning that error.

>       Known problem?  If not, suggestions on how to debug and provide
> something just a wee bit more useful?  I'm not finding any core files
> laying about, so nothing I can gdb ...

You can do a break in apr_shm_create() and watch the return
value from mmap.  I bet it'll be an error condition.

Please understand that threads aren't working on FreeBSD.  It's why
you had to manually enable them.  =)

At the very least, something looks busted with their 
pthread_cond_* implementation (or our usage of it) that blows up 
our worker scheme. 

If you want to help out with the development of worker and threads
on FreeBSD, you are more than welcome to assist.  I would recommend
reading through the various STATUS files for FreeBSD notes.  We have
tidbits all over the place.  

However, worker MPM on FreeBSD isn't usable by anyone at this
point other than as a conversation piece.  -- justin

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