On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 09:09:02PM -0400, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Aaron Bannert wrote:
> > If you are getting "Not implemented on this platform" errors, then
> > something funny is going on -- that only happens in the scoreboard if
> > you don't have any anonymous shmem implementations, which according to
> > your HAVE_SHMEM defines above is not true (you have every shmem type
> > known to APR on your system).
> Okay, this makes sense then, as use of shared memory in a jail environment
> is not currently enabled by default, and is not recommended:
>      jail.sysvipc_allowed
>           This MIB entry determines whether or not processes within a jail
>           have access to System V IPC primitives.  In the current jail imple-
>           mentation, System V primitives share a single namespace across the
>           host and jail environments, meaning that processes within a jail
>           would be able to communicate with (and potentially interfere with)
>           processes outside of the jail, and in other jails.  As such, this
>           functionality is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting
>           this MIB entry to 1.
> Now, does apache2 *require* shared memory, or can I set all of the above
> to zero, and it will work around the limitation?

If you wish to run apache with multiple processes, then shared memory
is necessary.

Sorry for the late reply, I must have missed this one.


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