William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

>From: "Dwayne Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 3:57 PM
>Subject: Re: 2.0.31 on Windows
>>I tracked down my problem with not being able to run Apache as a 
>>service.  The ServerRoot param was not set correctly.  It was /Apache2 
>>instead of D:/Apache2.  
>>This configuration file error was never logged anywhere.  Not only that, 
>>even with this setting, Apache would run fine from the command line.
>The 'service' mode has all sorts of peculiar behaviors.  You've identified
>exactly what I'm seeing today.
>Which Win32 OS are you using, exactly?
I'm on Windows 2000, build 2195, SP2

>>But trying to start as a server, the ap_walk_config() routine, called in 
>>server/config.c returned the error  and called exit(1).
>>Somewhere, this error should be presented to the user.  I'm just not 
>>sure where, or how to do it.
>Definately the biggest 'bug' of the hour is the service logging.  It looks
>like some changes a little ways back in main.c borked us.
>And the second bug is the lack of -d -f args in the service's Parameters
>registry key ... ConfigArgs is coming up empty.
I was looking at mpm_winnt.c, where the apr_filepath_merge() call is 
made.  It looks like it is trying to build the -d argument to use when 
starting the service, but it's obviously not having the desired effect.

>The final bug is the simple one.  Why paths can't merge right in the service.
>I suspect that's the whole LocalService/non-Network situation going on... 
>but it's worthless to debug without resolving the bigger error logging fish :)
>The only real answer is moving the service code into apr, pre-main() or in
>tandem with apr_initialize() [starting with apr_app_main and getting the
>service stuff tied in.]  But I wanted to wait for .33 on those changes.

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