On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 01:23:08PM -0800, Aaron Bannert wrote:
> This patch solves a release showstopper by allowing the support binaries
> to be built statically against apr/apr-util/etc. It also adds static
> support for the htdbm tool.
> This does _not_ add support for a static httpd, since that issue is
> not yet decided, but it should solve 7 of the 8 binaries that Ken was
> worried about. The "should httpd also be static" discussion can happen
> independently of this patch.

Personally, I agree that the httpd *can* be static, but not that
it *should* be static.  Can we just go ahead and add that while we're
at it?  IMHO, the real discussion is what is the default.  -- justin

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