This has historically been a Covalent hosted and driven project, as a
service to the Apache community.  Covalent has decided to open that
project up to the community to improve.  To that end, sometime next
week, I will be setting up a machine as a web server and CVS server to
be used for

That machine will be hosted by Covalent, and accounts on that machine
will be given out as it makes sense.  For the time being, I will be
admin'ing the machine in my spare time, so things may take a while to
get kick-started.

The reason I am sending this message is because I have been asked about
this project every few weeks for the last year or so.  I wanted to let
everybody know that we are making progress and this project will be
available to hack on in about a week or two.

Please be patient.


Ryan Bloom                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
645 Howard St.              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Francisco, CA 

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