On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 07:04:43AM -0800, Ryan Bloom wrote:
> Why is this thing being run in the fixups phase?  The whole point of the
> insert_filters phase is to insert filters for the given resource.  Why
> are we trying to insert resource based filters in the fixups?
> Especially given that the resource can change during the fixups phase.

True, this is where OtherBill suggested to me where it should go.
But now that I understand our filtering hooks a bit better, I now
agree that insert_filter makes more sense.  However, should we
attempt to abstract setting r->content_type so that we can intercept
whenever the content_type is modified and add the right filters as
dictated by AddOutputFilterByType?  I have some reservations about
that though, but it might solve our filter changing the content-type
on us.  

Also, why does mod_negotiation handle fixups in type_checker and
mod_dir does it in fixups?  I'd suggest that we should move the
handle_multi call to be a fixups so that we are consistent where
our redirect calls occur.  -- justin

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