> jim         02/03/20 08:44:13
>   Modified:    .        CHANGES
>                include  mpm_common.h
>                server   mpm_common.c
>                server/mpm/mpmt_os2 mpmt_os2.c
>                server/mpm/netware mpm_netware.c
>                server/mpm/perchild perchild.c
>                server/mpm/prefork prefork.c
>                server/mpm/worker worker.c
>   Log:
>   Bring 2.0 up to parity, a bit, with how much info we provide to
>   the admin regarding valid values for AcceptMutex. Should also
>   tell 'em what "default" actually maps to, but that can wait.

I don't think this works as you desired.

I just did an update (no diffs in this tree) and for a config with no
AcceptMutex I get this at startup:

[notice] AcceptMutex: Valid accept mutexes for this platform and MPM
are: default, fcntl, sysvsem, pthread.

Isn't that the message for httpd -L output?

The 1.3 startup message is something like this:

[notice] Accept mutex: fcntl (Default: fcntl)

much more appropriate
Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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