On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 02:44:37PM -0400, Jeff Trawick wrote:
> Wouldn't we have to do a full link-edit on the target machine to make
> that work portably?  One of the nice things about binbuilds is that we
> don't give a rip whether the user has a working ld (just an example).
> We don't want to care whether or not somebody has working binutils.

I'm not sure what's involved on each platform.  I think I remember
reading on some platforms, libtool could be tricky and do it without
needing a full recompile or relink (it just modifies the binary
itself).  I'm not sure if that's even possible or not (doesn't seem
so).  But, yeah, I could see it causing problems on esoteric
platforms.  Perhaps libtool 1.4.x can do this better than 1.3?

> How many problems does it cause?  Having to give gdb a different name
> is a problem (minor), but how many others are there?

ps and other process utilities won't filter on httpd.  ps -C httpd,
pkill -HUP httpd would all fail if the binary isn't called httpd.  

Perhaps we could so some sort of transformation for binbuilds that
only adds the httpd.bin to those distributions.  -- justin

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