I wrote:
> It would be great to have a BSD-licensed version of something like djb's
> daemontools.

> That would be totally fine/cool. Are you volunteering? :-)

I would if I was even half as decent a programmer as some of you :-)

Seriously, a decent process controller that would allow starting, stopping and
sending various signals to a command that runs as its child (i.e. duplicating
supervise's functionality) should not be too hard to implement.  It's the
fiddling with the pipes between two supervise's (the main one and the log/
one) that seems tricky to me. And I'd not sure how you'd wait() for the child
while still being able to select() on a name pipe in order to read control
messages sent by svc. But those details can be worked out, and yes, I'd
certainly be willing to lend a hand. The main point is that if such a set of
tools were to be made available with a friendly license, would people such as
the Apache developers promote them and use them? UNIX needs a standard
cross-platform process monitoring solution so individual daemons can stop
reinventing the wheel, and the standard control interface will make life
easier for sysadmins.

Jos Backus                 _/  _/_/_/        Santa Clara, CA
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