
JM>Due to inheritance (export) of environment variables I usually start
JM>Apache after doing a:
JM># for i in `export | cut -f3 -d' '|cut -f1 -d'='`; do export -n $i; done
JM>Which cleans them all up nicely. One reason for doing this is so that
JM>phpinfo() shows all these nice Enviroment variables which could reveal
JM>one thing or the other of some persons setup. Maybe it's an idea to let
JM>the 'startup' program (may it be httpd or apachectl) to filter these
JM>environment variables too ? "they also take up memory", oooh ah :)

In our production environment we also include such functionality in our
apachectl script. For some variables (LD_LIBRARY_PATH for example) it is
essential to do this to make sure things will work, and for others (say,
PATH) it's just annoying to pick up different values depending on who
su'ed before starting a server.

However, I don't know that this should be in the default Apache
distribution. Often you'd want (or need) LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH or even
ORACLE_HOME to be inherited on purpose (hence PassEnv).

By the way, as someone who maintains Apache installations on many
platforms, I definitely like moving the pidfile checking out of apachectl.
I like the httpd -k idea to simplify apachectl.



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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