Hi All,

As I know there is a planned config feature to be able to
override the shebang line, but as I know there is no any
result for it, yet:
    * PR#4241: config
      Need to be able to override shebang line to make CGI scripts
      more portable.
    4241 config   suspended Need to be able to override shebang line to make CGI 
scripts \
    more portable.

I would suggest a "ShebangAlias" directive for the Apache config file.
I don't know if there is already something similar under development,
but this feature would be very important for those users who would like
to use their Perl scripts with the least possible modification when they
are porting their scripts, or are just developing under Windows
environment, later are running their scripts on Unix server.
This would really help us to make CGI scripts more portable.

Would look like following:
ShebangAlias /usr/local/bin/perl "C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe"

Any info about similar feature, which may be under development
would be fine...

Thank you,

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