Checkout the ScriptInterpreterSource directive. It is not quite as flexible as your
suggestion but it may solve the problem.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Webmaster33" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 8:03 AM
Subject: [suggestion] ShebangAlias directive - to keep to make CGI scripts more 

> Hi All,
> As I know there is a planned config feature to be able to
> override the shebang line, but as I know there is no any
> result for it, yet:
> ------------------------------
>     * PR#4241: config
>       Need to be able to override shebang line to make CGI scripts
>       more portable.
>         Status:
>     4241 config   suspended Need to be able to override shebang line to make CGI 
>     more portable.
> ------------------------------
> I would suggest a "ShebangAlias" directive for the Apache config file.
> I don't know if there is already something similar under development,
> but this feature would be very important for those users who would like
> to use their Perl scripts with the least possible modification when they
> are porting their scripts, or are just developing under Windows
> environment, later are running their scripts on Unix server.
> This would really help us to make CGI scripts more portable.
> Would look like following:
> ShebangAlias /usr/local/bin/perl "C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe"
> Any info about similar feature, which may be under development
> would be fine...
> Thank you,
> Webmaster33

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