On Wed, 29 May 2002, Martin Kraemer wrote:

> On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 02:40:12PM -0400, Cliff Woolley wrote:
> In the good old days, a tag was a tag was a tag. There was no "preliminary
> tag" which would then be moved to a different revision later on an
> ad-hoc basis.

I never said it would be moved.  I said ANOTHER tag would be done.  Right
now we have JCW_PRE_2037.  Next we'll have JCW_PRE2_2037, then
JCW_PRE3_2037.  It's just a matter of release candidates in a way.

Roy was very insistent upon this when we were in the 2.0.36 release cycle
(and I agreed), but for 2.0.36 it was too late, we'd already bumped some

We agreed that from then on, some pre-tag would be done and we'd use
multiple tags to specify subsequent candidates.  When one of those is
selected for release, it gets retagged as APACHE_2_0_xxx.  We could just
spew through version numbers and maybe the next version released after
2.0.36 is 2.0.48, but that doesn't make much sense from the users'

> a) a CVS tag is *NEVER* moved.

That has already been agreed upon AFAIK.

> b) a Release tag is always created as a _branch_ tag first.
>    (The tag name could be APACHE_2_0_47_Branch or similar)
>     % cvs co httpd-2.0
>     % cd httpd-2.0
>     % cvs tag -b APACHE_2_0_47_Branch
>     % cvs up  -r APACHE_2_0_47_Branch

-1.  Please let's not go down the branch route.  Merging sucks.  We've
agreed time and time again that we don't want to use CVS branches.

> e) when the tar ball has been built _and announced_, then a final release
>    tag is set on the release _Revision_ (cvs tag without "-b")
>     % cvs tag APACHE_2_0_47
>    Such a tag can not be moved later.

Except for the branch part, that has also already been agreed upon.

> f) If another release should be necessary (without going to the next
>    Apache version for some reason), another name is tagged _on_the_branch_:
>     % cvs ci securityfix.c
>     % cvs tag APACHE_2_0_47_SecurityFix1

We have a hard enough time getting releases out, much less patchlevels.


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