At some point, Larry Rosenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> excited the electrons:
> I submitted 8712 a month or more ago, and have gotten NO feedback at
> all.

FreeBSD is packaging their version with mod_ssl.  We don't include
mod_ssl with 1.3.  We have no control over the configuration that
FreeBSD decides to use.  I would refer back to the FreeBSD port
maintainer and help them come up with a configuration that isn't
susceptable to this problem.  I'm not really sure how we can fix
this problem considering that the ASF has no control over mod_ssl
or FreeBSD's configurations that they use.  The ASF distribution
does not contain <IfDefine SSL> in its default configuration.

As a hint to the FreeBSD maintainer, the idea here is to always
load the mod_ssl library and then conditionally execute the SSL
directives.  I do not believe that loading DSOs conditionally is
what we intended with the <IfDefine> construct.

> I just submitted 10156 and wonder what it would take to get the patch
> into the next release.

Have you tried your latest and greatest OS with Apache httpd-2.0 yet?
One of the nice things with 2.0 is that it should easily adapt to
new platforms.  Things like this aren't hardcoded anymore.  This
makes our job easier.  If you aren't using 2.0, why not?  After
all, it is our recommended platform.  1.3 is no longer recommended
for general use.  The only reason one should stay on 1.3 is because
of third-party modules, and again, we can't magically force other
modules to work with 2.0.

As a note, it would be really helpful if you would attach patches
to the PR rather than inlining them.  My web browser does not
display your patch in a nice manner since it is inlined and one big
long unreadable line in Bugzilla.
On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 01:04:39PM +0200, Martin Kutschker wrote:
> It seems the core list members don't use bugzilla. My bug(s) and (only) patch have 
>not been commented as well. You probably have to send the bug description and the 
>patch as well to get a response. Additionally try resending the patch. This procedure 
>is AFAIR recommended on the Apache site.

A substantial number of the developers spend a lot of time working on
the bug database.  The key here is that PRs need to be written well
to help us figure out what the problem is.  Poorly-written PRs are
very frustrating to work with - they will usually get ignored.

The key to remember is that none of us are directly paid to work
on Apache.  We're all volunteers here and we try to do the best
that we can.  -- justin

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