On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 06:48, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> At some point, Larry Rosenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> excited the electrons:
> > I submitted 8712 a month or more ago, and have gotten NO feedback at
> > all.
> FreeBSD is packaging their version with mod_ssl.  We don't include
> mod_ssl with 1.3.  We have no control over the configuration that
> FreeBSD decides to use.  I would refer back to the FreeBSD port
> maintainer and help them come up with a configuration that isn't
> susceptable to this problem.  I'm not really sure how we can fix
> this problem considering that the ASF has no control over mod_ssl
> or FreeBSD's configurations that they use.  The ASF distribution
> does not contain <IfDefine SSL> in its default configuration.
> As a hint to the FreeBSD maintainer, the idea here is to always
> load the mod_ssl library and then conditionally execute the SSL
> directives.  I do not believe that loading DSOs conditionally is
> what we intended with the <IfDefine> construct.
This is getting into finger pointing.  They pointed me at ASF as you
supply APXS. 

I'm going to stop here, and ignore the issue. 

> > I just submitted 10156 and wonder what it would take to get the patch
> > into the next release.
> Have you tried your latest and greatest OS with Apache httpd-2.0 yet?
> One of the nice things with 2.0 is that it should easily adapt to
> new platforms.  Things like this aren't hardcoded anymore.  This
> makes our job easier.  If you aren't using 2.0, why not?  After
> all, it is our recommended platform.  1.3 is no longer recommended
> for general use.  The only reason one should stay on 1.3 is because
> of third-party modules, and again, we can't magically force other
> modules to work with 2.0.
Last time I tried, it failed miserably.  I'll try again, and I can
provide a shell account for ASF use. 
> As a note, it would be really helpful if you would attach patches
> to the PR rather than inlining them.  My web browser does not
> display your patch in a nice manner since it is inlined and one big
> long unreadable line in Bugzilla.
I'll attach it. 
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 01:04:39PM +0200, Martin Kutschker wrote:
> > It seems the core list members don't use bugzilla. My bug(s) and (only) patch have 
>not been commented as well. You probably have to send the bug description and the 
>patch as well to get a response. Additionally try resending the patch. This procedure 
>is AFAIR recommended on the Apache site.
> A substantial number of the developers spend a lot of time working on
> the bug database.  The key here is that PRs need to be written well
> to help us figure out what the problem is.  Poorly-written PRs are
> very frustrating to work with - they will usually get ignored.
> The key to remember is that none of us are directly paid to work
> on Apache.  We're all volunteers here and we try to do the best
> that we can.  -- justin
Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 972-414-9812                 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
US Mail: 1905 Steamboat Springs Drive, Garland, TX 75044-6749

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