> On Sat, Jul 06, 2002 at 03:11:20PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > We just added a new function for all input filters to allow this to be
> > done (Justin referenced it in his reply).  However, that function doesn't
> > solve the problem, because there should be an ap_filter_is_dynamic(r) that
> > hides the implementation details for all filters.
> I don't believe that mod_include would want AcceptPathInfo on.
> Only PHP would.  So, I don't know what ap_filter_is_dynamic() would
> buy here (other than setting r->no_local_copy to 1).  -- justin

Why wouldn't mod_include want AcceptPathInfo to be on?  I am sure there
are .shtml files out there that are written with the assumption that
PATH_INFO is set correctly.


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