On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 01:52:03PM -0600, Brad Nicholes wrote:
> +1, personally I would like to see it added back to the Apache modules. 
> I'm not sure why it was removed. Maybe somebody could shed some light on
> that.

mod_auth_ldap has been like mod_proxy - in, out, in, out.  

I wouldn't mind seeing it folded back in.  But, I know that a lot
of people were against it last time.  

I think we may need to come up with a more coherent policy for
the unbundled modules in the HTTP Server project.  (I don't know
if the PMC wants to discuss this or not.)

In the past, people have suggested a CPAN/PEAR-approach where
modules are downloaded when needed.  This way we could reduce
the stock distribution to the bare bones.  We would also have
to rethink our configuration policy (almost to make it like
Perl does - interactive).  -- justin

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