On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Tim Wilde wrote:

> I'm reposting the attached patch yet again, which adds various <IfModule>
> sections to the default httpd.conf to allow proper function without
> changes to httpd.conf if various modules aren't enabled.  Sent this twice
> within the last two months now without any response.  Makes me wonder if
> anyone cares that the default config file just plain doesn't work in many
> configurations.  This would be an ideal and simple patch to put into
> 2.0.40.  Patch applies cleanly to docs/conf/httpd-std.conf.in from the
> 2.0.39 release.

Personally, I have mixed feelings about this patch, which is why I haven't
committed it myself.  Yes, it does make the default config file more
generally useful with different configurations.  But it also makes the
default config file less of a good example.  The <IfModule> wrappers have
a real tendency to confuse people, because they get the idea that you MUST
place your directives inside them.

So, for example, I see people asking
"Why does this fail silently with no errors?
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule / /elsewhere
The answer is that they don't have mod_rewrite.  If they had left out the
<IfModule> lines, they would have gotten a useful error message.  With
them included, they are just confused.

The default config file works with the default install.  If you modify the
default install, you also need to modify the default config.  I'm
comfortable with that.  If you change the installed modules without
modifying the default config files, you are asking for confusion.

Others may have other opinions, and I have no intention of vetoing this


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