On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 02:30:35PM -0700, Sander van Zoest wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Jon Travis wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 11:29:24AM -0700, Aaron Bannert wrote: > On Thu, Aug 29, 
>2002 at 02:24:28PM -0400, Ryan Bloom wrote:
> > > > I will make one exception to that statement.  If it lands inside of
> > > > APR-util, under the XML directory, and it is made to work with the XML
> > > > parser, I can accept that landing spot.  As it fits in closer with our
> > > > goals (I think).  Jim, I can't decide if this is what you meant or not.
> > > I'm +1 on integrating it into our XML stuff. I consider it to be
> > > equivalent to apr-util, so either we put it inside apr-util, or
> > > we create a new APR subproject or sub-library for it.
> > I'm not keen on integrating it into the APR XML layer for a few reasons:
> > 1 - APR's XML is not SAX-stylee.  El-Kabong is.  That isn't to say that E-K
> >     couldn't get a full object model interface, but it doesn't have it now.
> Expat is a stream based parsers that is pretty similar to SAX2. It
> isn't a DOM xml parser.

What does this have to do with anything?  Expat is uninvolved here.  I
was talking about the APR XML API, which may-or-may-not wrap Expat.  
That API is DOM style.

-- Jon

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