On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 03:47:58 -0700, Paul J. Reder wrote:

> Yes, I believe it should check r->args. I don't think you are stupid,
> severely or otherwise... ;)
it should not make a difference really 
if r->args is null than the strcat should terminate there anyway ;-)

on another note..
Paul..  I'm not 100% on that hook for key-generation is working the
way it should. are you still using that or are you going to always use
the query-args/virtual host for every request, or are you going to provide
2 functions to generate the key (a fast/quick and a slow/flexible one?)
> Pier Fumagalli wrote:
>> "Kris Verbeeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>apr_status_t cache_generate_key_default( request_rec *r, apr_pool_t*p,
>>>char**key ) 
>>>-   *key = apr_pstrdup(p,r->uri);
>>>+   *key = apr_pstrcat(p,r->uri, "?", r->args, NULL);
>>>  return APR_SUCCESS;
>> Hm... This should be something like:
>> If (r->args) {
>>     *key = apr_pstrcat(p,r->uri, "?", r->args, NULL);
>> } else {
>>     *key = apr_pstrdup(p,r->uri);
>> }
>> But I might be severely stupid...
>>     Pier

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