* Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

> In the department of scratching old itches - any strong objections to
> me adding the following patch which allows one to do things like
>      # httpd.conf
>      ServerRoot ${HOME}/apache
>      Port ${PORT:=80}
>      ErrorDocument 500 "Please contact ${CUSTOMER}
> and then
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED] PORT=1234 ./apachectl start
> as few, if any, people use ${FOO} constructs in their configuration
> files today - the change is rather harmless.
> But I've found this useful (since 1.3.9 :-).
> Objections ?

I'm note sure, but I'd guess this may cause conflicts with mod_rewrite.
Otherwise...hmm, the feature probably leads to some weird effects, if
you forget to set or to remove some env variables... 

Perhaps one should turn it on explicitely with a command line parameter?

\40\51/\134\137|ndparker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;;print;

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