This may be confusing because people may begin to expect it to do the substitution at 
request time in certain cases instead of only at server startup time....  Admittedly 
that would be almost like turning every directive into mod_rewrite, but... an env var 
is an env var, many things are handled at request time so....


At 03:55 AM 9/26/2002 +0200, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

>On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, [ISO-8859-1] André Malo wrote:
>> I'm note sure, but I'd guess this may cause conflicts with mod_rewrite.
>Mod rewrite uses % rather than $ for variable names.
>It does use $1, $2.. for back references. Which is not a problem as it is
>not followed by a {.
>It also uses the dollar for the end of string match. Which thus is thus
>very unlikely to be followed by a { too.
>But...  It also uses the $ for ${mapname:key|default} constructs - which
>may cause an issue now. We can make sure that such is ignored; or amend
>the patch to allow a '\' or extra $ to escape either the $ or the {.
>> Otherwise...hmm, the feature probably leads to some weird effects, if
>> you forget to set or to remove some env variables...
>Aye - this is all about giving a competent admin enough rope to hang
>him/herself - while making sure that a normal user (who is not having any
>${} constructs in his/her file is unaffected.).

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