Who are you and why are you using my name in your from: field ?


> Hi all,
> I have a problem which I'm hoping someone can help me to sort out.  I've
> written a module that performs two functions:
>  - Authorisation of asset retrieval based on client IP, request URI and
>    user token.
>  - Confirmation of (non-)delivery of the requested asset.
> This ties into a back-end over which I have no control.  The confirmation
> of delivery works by using the module's logging function to check that:
>  - the request wasn't aborted (request_rec->connection->aborted)
>  - the total bytes sent (r->bytes_sent) is the same as the content length
>    (r->clength).
> This is all fine and dandy, and works like a dream... EXCEPT (you knew it
> was coming!) where we have a smart-ass client who downloads byte ranges.
> Now if it were just logging that was being performed here, I wouldn't be
> overly bothered about this, but the confirmation of delivery also commits a
> financial transaction, and then removes the authorisation record for the
> asset.  Joe Q Public downloads bytes 0-299 of his 1 meg file, and gets
> charged for it, even though he didn't download the whole thing and can't
> download the rest of it.
> I've kicked back on this and said that there's not much we can do about it
> at the Apache level.  If we just don't do the confirmation of delivery on
> partial responses, then anything downloaded in parts will never be charged
> for.  We'd struggle to reconcile what client had downloaded what parts of
> what file (and therefore deduce that they had received the complete file),
> especially if different child processes dealt with two parts of the same
> file.  Game over, yes?
> Well, maybe... but I'm wondering if there's something we could do with
> shared memory, to store the state of such downloads and reconcile it that
> way.  Frankly I have no idea, as I've never programmed using shared memory
> before.  I don't want to have to write an actual file to the file system,
> that's just plain messy, not to mention prone to errors (someone deletes
> the file, file locking problems, asynchronous I/O...) and a potential
> performance hit.
> Can anyone suggest a way around this problem?  Is my shared memory idea
> workable?  Is there another way that I'm just blindly missing?
> As ever, any help would be very greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> JT

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