>Anyway, I've most likely upset a few people, and I apologize in
>advance. Just take these words from someone who *still* wants Apache
>to achieve world domination :)

As a user I'll try to help achiving this goal ;)

About the specific issue: I (again as a user) like the idea of at least 
putting the old auth modules in the coming 2.0 releases, so that 
compatibility between the minor releases - which certainly is important for 
adoption - is not broken and a smoother transistion to the newer - and 
probably better - auth module design gets possible.
On the other hand I am just a little user so I don't really know what 
disadvantages this may have (except that people stay with the old auth 
modules forever;)

just my 2€cents :-)
..nice weekend & cheers

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
- http://jgcl.at/ko/ - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

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