On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 12:48, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> At 11:34 AM 10/17/2002, Jeff Stuart wrote:
> >On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 12:10, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> >> ==================
> >> Last modified at [$Date: 2002/10/01 19:13:06 $]
> >[...rest of the roadmap deleted...]
> >
> >If I may make 3 suggestions.
> >
> >1) If we want to match the kernel/perl versioning system, then make 2.2
> >the stable version and make 2.3 the devel version and just SKIP 2.1. :) 
> Nope... for this reason.  2.0 was never 'stable' by this new definition.  So we
> can consider that 2.0 was a development branch for it's entire life.  Not that
> it was bad code, but we changed things many times.  Now 2.1 we state that
> the odds never change.  Actually matches 1.3 well (it no longer changes and
> hasn't since 1.3.14.  Talk about a great track record :-)
> This is not linux/perl, in that we don't have the same even/odds.  But it's
> pretty nice that when we start 3.0, it too will be development, and when we
> are ready, we fall nicely into the 3.1/3.2 pattern all over again.
> >2) THROW CVS out and switch over to using Subversion as the SCM for
> >Apache.  Tags/branches are EASY to do! :)  Besides, it USES apache 2.0
> >for the remote repository access.  What better way to promote both
> >programs? :)
> That's a seperate topic :-)  But a good point.  Are we anywhere near ready?
> If we debate this, please pull out this point as subject: "SVN already?"
> >3) Possibly add in the roadmap something about using -pr and -rc
> >versions for testing before release.  Especially on the stable branches.
> Absolutely.  I sort of called that out by suggesting the _worktag (for use
> by everyone,) then the_RC# (only to be tweaked by the RM.)
> I could say more, but do you want to offer an edit instead?
> Bill

Well... Umm... It's not needed. LOL... 

#1 wasn't all that "important" to me.  It was "if we want to follow..."
type thing. :)  
#2 of course is as you point out a seperate discussion.  
#3 Hmm... I'm not sure if that even belongs in the roadmap now that I
think about it.  That's more just the guidelines for the RM.  More I
think about it... that's a guideline/suggestion for the RM.


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