Some questions about mod_deflate :

1) Why this module is not enabled by default built ?
      compression should be on to meet HTTP recommandations ?

2) What about a more advanced system ?

      Currently :

SetEnv gzip-only-text/html 1

-> make mod_deflate compress only text/html.

      Extension :

SetEnv gzip-mime-xxxx/yyyy allow

-> make mod_deflate compress content matching xxxx/yyyy.

SetEnv gzip-mime-xxxx/yyyy  deny

-> make mod_deflate don't compress content matching xxxx/yyyy.

SetEnv gzip-file-jsp allow

-> make mod_deflate compress content caming from jsp

SetEnv gzip-file-js deny

-> make mod_deflate don't compress content caming for javascript

<Directory "/your-server-root/manual">
SetEnv gzip-mime-text/html allow
SetEnv gzip-mime-text/xml allow
SetEnv gzip-mime-text/plain allow
SetEnv gzip-mime-default deny
SetEnv gzip-file-jsp allow
SetEnv gzip-file-js deny
SetEnv gzip-file-default deny
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

Attached is a patch ...

Thanks for your feedback


--- modules/filters/mod_deflate.c.orig  Fri Aug 30 18:31:17 2002
+++ modules/filters/mod_deflate.c       Fri Nov  8 17:43:00 2002
@@ -239,6 +239,39 @@
     apr_bucket_brigade *bb, *proc_bb;
 } deflate_ctx;
+static char * get_file_ext(request_rec *r)
+    char * ext;
+    int    i, len;
+    /* no filename, bye */
+    if (! r->filename)
+        return (NULL);
+    len = strlen(r->filename);
+    /* we shoud have ad minim x.y */
+    if (len < 3)
+        return (NULL);
+    /* skip end of string */
+    len--;
+    ext = r->filename + len;
+    /* filename 'xxx.' is invalid */
+    if (*ext == '.')
+       return (NULL);
+    while (len) {
+       if (*ext == '.')
+           return (apr_pstrdup(r->pool, ext + 1));         
+       ext--;
+       len--;
+    }
+    return (NULL);
 static apr_status_t deflate_out_filter(ap_filter_t *f,
                                        apr_bucket_brigade *bb)
@@ -258,7 +291,8 @@
     if (!ctx) {
         char *buf, *token;
         const char *encoding, *accepts;
+        int reject = 0;
         /* only work on main request/no subrequests */
         if (r->main) {
@@ -287,6 +321,75 @@
+        /* Check content-type and determine if we should do the
+         * compression, so set gzip-mime-xxxx/yyyy allow
+         * to process or gzip-mime-xxxx/yyyy deny to reject
+         * set gzip-mime-default allow/deny to set default mode
+         * You could use browsermatch to change behaviour by browser
+         */
+        if (r->content_type != NULL) {
+            const char * ismime = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, 
+                                              "gzip-mime-",
+                                               r->content_type,
+                                               NULL);                                 
+            const char *env_value = apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env,
+                                                  ismime);
+            /* If no gzip-mime-xxxx/yyyy specified check default flag */              
+            if (! env_value) {
+                env_value = apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env,
+                                          "gzip-mime-default");
+                /* default not specified or don't set allow, reject it */             
+                if (! env_value || strcmp(env_value,"allow"))
+                    reject = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                if (strcmp(env_value,"allow"))
+                   reject = 1;
+            } 
+        }
+       else { 
+        /* Check for gzip-file-xxxx by extension to see if compression
+         * should be conducted
+         * so set gzip-file-xxx allow or gzip-file-xxx deny to reject
+         * set gzip-file-default allow/deny to set default mode
+         * You could use browsermatch to change behaviour by browser
+         */
+            const char * fileext = get_file_ext(r);
+            /* no valid file extension found, reject it */
+            if (! fileext)
+               reject = 1;
+            else {
+                   const char * isfile = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, 
+                                                     "gzip-file-",
+                                                     fileext,
+                                                     NULL);                           
+                   const char *env_value = apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env,
+                                                         isfile);
+                   /* If no gzip-file-xxxx/yyyy specified check default flag */       
+                   if (! env_value) {
+                       env_value = apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env,
+                                                 "gzip-file-default");
+                       /* default not specified or don't set allow, reject it */      
+                       if (! env_value || strcmp(env_value,"allow"))
+                           reject = 1;
+                   }
+                   else {
+                       if (strcmp(env_value,"allow"))
+                           reject = 1;
+                   } 
+               }
+        }
+        /* reject asked, don't go farther and pass to next one in chain */     
+        if (reject) {
+            ap_remove_output_filter(f);
+            return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
+        }            
         /* Let's see what our current Content-Encoding is.
          * If gzip is present, don't gzip again.  (We could, but let's not.)

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