Since when does web server throughput drop by x% factor using

We went through this debate with mod_gzip and it doesn't hold much
water. Server boxes are cheap and adding some more ram or even a faster
processor is a cheap price to pay when compared to customer satisfaction
when their pages load faster.

If mod_deflate is doing it's job correctly then compressing a page even
if it's a 100K should be in the microseconds. Transmitting 80% less data
will be reflected in the web server performance as it returns to work on
other connections.


Peter J. Cranstone

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jeff Trawick
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 5:33 AM
Subject: Re: [PATCH] mod_deflate extensions

Henri Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When you drop the network bandwith by 30 to 70% factor, you make your
> managers happy since they save money and you make end-users very happy
> since they feel you application is faster.

when you drop the web server throughput by x% factor you may make
yourself sad :)

> So adding mod_deflate to the default distribution, under control of
> configure which will verify if zlib is available on the system to
> it, shouldn't hurt.

I wish it were so simple as finding a zlib, but static zlib
distributed with some OSs vs dynamic zlib distributed with others
seems to be the difference between success and failure.

> More users will use mod_deflate, more chance to see remaining bugs
> discovered and fixed.

I definitely agree that it would be nice to turn on mod_deflate in the
build automagically, I just don't want to do it at the expense of more
problems encountered by users.  I suspect that we would need to ship a
subset of zlib ourselves in order to have a fool-proof build of it.

Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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