I want to add a new hook to apache2.

It's called the "cgi-stderr" hook.

If a CGI script emits anything on stderr, trap it into a bucket and let all modules 
who want to look at the stderr bucket, do so.

This can be used to:
        escalate scripting errors, 
        throttle apache to the problematic site, 
        show special error documents, 
        integrate cgi development into IDEs, 

It would also let 3rd party vendors catch apache cgi-errors into their tool...such as 
a mod_unicenter.c, etc.

(imagine that your database goes down, so the CGI sends a special message back on 
stderr.  Apaches mod_throttle module sees that message and throttles access to the 

Now my question...

Using mod_cgi is optional...so would it make sense to add a "cgi-stderr" hook to the 
server/core.c ?
I'd like to use the hook mechanism so any 3rd party module could react upon it.

I guess this "cgi-stderr" hook could also be called a "stderr_filter" to go with the 
input_filter and output_filter hooks already available.


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