* Joshua Slive wrote:

>>   Modified:    docs/manual/mod mod_deflate.xml mod_deflate.html.en

>>   Tighten up the writing a little and add an even simpler
>>   configuration example.

> By "tighten up", I basically mean "shorten".  I removed some of your very
> explicit examples.  I know that these would be helpful to some people, but
> I try to trade-off against the fact that they make the docs harder to
> navigate for people who don't need all those specific details.

That's ok for me ;-) There are actually too much things that one could say 
about this topic.

> If you think I made the wrong decision, please feel free to put them back.

No, really. I think, there's no relevant information lost.

>>   -    <example>
>>   +    <example><title>Compress only a few types</title>
>>   +      AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml
>>   +    </example>
> I'm curious: Does anyone know whether this will actually work for someone
> who does a
> AddType application/x-httpd-php php
> The end content-type is text/html, but does AddOutputFilterByType check
> the content type before php gets at it?  If so, we should document that
> both in the mod_deflate and AddOutputFilterByType docs.

AddOutputFilterByType filter inserting is triggered by every 
ap_set_content_type call. That's perhaps not the best way (esp. if the 
content type changes during the request processing), but currently I see no 

PHP doesn't use that api call, thus by-type-filters are not inserted. I've 
just searched the code and tried to find one place, where it could be used, 
but I found at least two places, where the content type will be set (1st: 
default at the filter init, second later, if someone uses the php header() 
function to change the type); I hope I've figured out that correctly - I 
find the PHP sources too complex for my brain :).
However, I guess, it's probably easy to fix. 

Da fällt mir ein, wieso gibt es eigentlich in Unicode kein
"i" mit einem Herzchen als Tüpfelchen? Das wär sooo süüss!
                                 -- Björn Höhrmann in darw

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