Brian Pane wrote:
Henri Gomez wrote:

I played with mod_deflate with Apache 2.0.39 on one of
my iSeries and got Apache exit due to Thread Errors.

Did there is known problem with deflate present in 2.0.39,
which has been solved in 2.0.43 and later ?
Hum, it may be related to mod_jk/mod_deflate.

Here is was I got from my iSeries logs :

User Trace Dump for job 810710/QTMHHTTP/APACHEDFT. Size: 300K, Wrapped 1 times.
--- 12/16/2002 11:53:29 ---
000000E3:406904 Stack: QSYS / QP0ZCPA QP0ZUDBG 477 : Qp0zDumpStack
000000E3:406928 Stack: QSYS / QP0ZSCPA QP0ZSCPA 1682 : Qp0zSUDumpStack
000000E3:406944 Stack: QSYS / QP0ZSCPA QP0ZSCPA 1693 : Qp0zSUDumpTargetStack
000000E3:406944 Stack: Completed
--- 12/16/2002 11:53:35 ---
000000E0:158016 C5275D984C:003720 L:00D0 mpmt_pthread.c:Exception handler threads communications area
000000E0:158536 Stack Dump For Current Thread
000000E0:158536 Stack: mpmt_pthread.c:request thread exception
000000E0:158624 Stack: Library / Program Module Stmt Procedure
000000E0:158656 Stack: QSYS / QLESPI QLECRTTH 1112 : LE_Create_Thread2__FP12crtth_parm_t
000000E0:158672 Stack: QSYS / QP0WPINT QP0WSPTHR 2459 : pthread_create_part2
000000E0:158696 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRAPR THREAD 2 : dummy_worker
000000E0:158712 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRCORE MPMT_PTHRE 16 : request_thread
000000E0:158728 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRCORE HTTP_ASYNC 25 : ap_process_IOCP
000000E0:163824 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRCORE HTTP_REQUE 19 : ap_process_request
000000E0:163848 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRCORE HTTP_CONFI 20 : ap_invoke_handler
000000E0:163856 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRCORE HTTP_CONFI 5 : ap_run_handler
000000E0:163880 Stack: QHTTPSVR / MOD_JK MOD_JK 48 : jk_handler
000000E0:171096 Stack: QSYS / QMHPDEH 282 :
000000E0:171120 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRCORE MPMT_PTHRE 1 : Request_Thread_Excp_Handler
000000E0:171136 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRCORE MPMT_PTHRE 18 : Common_Thread_Excp_Handler_Code
000000E0:171152 Stack: QHTTPSVR / QZSRAPR OS400TRACE 1 : apr_dstack
000000E0:171176 Stack: QSYS / QP0ZCPA QP0ZUDBG 477 : Qp0zDumpStack

I'll forward it to my correspondant in IBM Rochester Labs for study :)

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