On Sat, 2002-12-21 at 07:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm really sorry, but I am sick of hearing this isn't a solution for apps
> in general.  This is now the fourth time that I have asked for a clear
> description of _why_.  I helped to design and write buckets and
> bucket_brigades.  I understand them incredibly well.  You seem to be
> unable or unwilling to give a clear description of the problem you are
> having.  All you are doing is hand-waving saying that this might be a
> problem for some apps.  Give a clear description please.

Sorry, but that's just bogus.  I've described repeatedly, and in
detail, the reasons why we can't make bucket allocation dependent
on pools.  You keep posting objections along the lines of "but we
can just move a brigade into a pool of appropriate scope," when
you know that's not a solution.


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