On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Paul Querna wrote:

> - Add end user SQL query as suggested on apache-dev

And or change the apr_pstrcat into things like select "%s" from %s
with an apr_pstrNprintf( with a nice limit; as some of the values are from
potentially doggy sources; such as .htaccess file made by possibly hostile
users and from the network.

> - Test Scalling/Stability

Aye - you want to triple/double check your mysql_free()'s I'd guess. Or
have one exit after the claim you go to with an 'return e' set to
AUTH_USER_X Y or Z. Just to make it a bit more defensive. Or wrap inside a
function or soemthing :-).

You could also move/remove some of your DEBUG_AUTH_MYSQL to a APLOG_DEBUG;
that may make more sense ?


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