On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Paul Querna wrote:

> done.  This should help with the problems DW had on trusted Solaris.(I hope)

Yes the problem there is that you need to point it to the right /tmp for
the nobody user the server runs ad.

> _dl_lookup_versioned_symbol).  I think like DW hinted at earlier, not
> everything is being cleaned up properly.

Those are gone for me now (from 0.5 on).

> I have also done some basic testing with ab.  I found in most cases setting
> the Hard Max to around 20 mysql connections was best.(Any more than this and I
> stressed the MySQL Server too much.. that might just be my testing setup too)

That matches our numbers on 4/8 CPU machines too. I suspect it has to do
with accessing the same table or something. Note that this is propably
*very* mysql specific. A quick hack a collegue did with postgress-ing the
module gave different numbers.

> Using the threaded worker MPM(about 1800 rec/sec) resulted in much better than
> the same config using pre-fork MPM(about 450 rec/sec).

Yes - we set a crypto cookie after the first SQL check and then check the
hash/secret of the cookie to avoid SQL roundtrips.


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