On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 07:00:53PM +0200, Graham Leggett wrote:
> > If the backend does not provide any such headers (expire, last-modified),
> > the cache doesn't cache, especially if the URL contains a query string.
> mod_headers and the RequestHeader directive may be helpful in adding
> your required cache headers without hacking at the source code.

Aha. Excuse my ignorance but would that also work in a setup like this?

 |---------|  mod_cache (unhacked)
 | Reverse |  mod_headers
 |  Proxy  |  mod_proxy 
| propriatary |
|  backend    |
| HTTP server |

Is the module order in the request cycle such that the header would
be added before mod_cache takes a look at them? Well, I guess I could
experiment to find out but it'd be nice to get an insight answer from
an expert.

Cheers - Harry

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