At 07:28 AM 6/17/2003, Jeff Trawick wrote:
>William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>>At 09:15 PM 6/16/2003, Jeff Trawick wrote:
>>>Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
>>>>Since pre_config doesn't get the process info, we can't use the userdata trick to 
>>>>prevent double initialization.  My solution would be to grow the pre_config hook 
>>>>to get the process info.  But, that can't be what was intended.  =)  -- justin
>>>set an environment variable on first pass to know which pass it is
>>Won't work across platforms.  Across Unix, perhaps.
>where and why, if you have the time (other enquiring modules want to know)?

My bad - setenv() will 'work' on win32 to modify the program's 'C' environment
table.  Where it falls down is modifying the 'inherited' environment, which
must be maintained with SetEnvironmentVariable.  Why setenv() on Win32
didn't do this has always puzzled me.

By the way, it's _setenv() on win32, unless you link oldnames.lib.

But I'm liking Justin's comment that creating "a pool of our own" based on
the NULL pool might be the way to go.  Some pools need to last a lifetime.

My last question for everyone with insight ... I load, which is
bound to  Once is unloaded and loaded again, is it
really guarenteed that will remain loaded throughout, since it
was implicitly loaded by the now reloaded 


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