
I am writing a module need to be able to examine
POST data, and insert inbound HTTP request headers
after my code has been run by apache so that:

1.      the web application can still retrieve the POST
data if required for its own consumption 
2.      the web application needs to have access to the
HTTP inbound request headers generated at runtime
(mod_header can't help me) by my code.

A web application in this case could be one of the
following (not exhaustive): 
*       a native apache 2.0 module 
*       mod_jk with Tomcat on the back end actually
running the application 
*       mod_cgi/mod_cgid 
*       mod_proxy (the back web webserver will act as the
web application)

Attempted Solution

Use an input filter. This provides the mechanism to
examine the POST data at my will without consuming
it off the socket, thus giving the web application
still the opportunity to consume it.

The input filter chain happens during the handler
phase, and is triggered if either of the following
is true:

1.      there is an explicit call by the web application
to read the POST data (either calling the
ap_XXX_client_block() series API or
2.      in the case where the web application doesn't
care about the POST data (but still requires the
inbound HTTP request headers that my code creates),
it is the ap_finalize_request_protocol() that
triggers the input filter chain. This is most likely
a special case, since if the web application doesn't
care about the POST data, a GET would be more


Let's say that the web application, before executing
its own logic, needs to check for a HTTP request
header that I generate to decide if it should
proceed or not. So unless the web application tries
to consume the POST data, my code (in the input
filter) will never get the chance to run to insert
those inbound HTTP request headers that the
application requires.


Is there a work around for the above solution in
order to avoid the above problem, in order:

1.      for my code to be able to examine the POST data
and still allow the web application to consume it,
2.      for my code to be able to insert those inbound
HTTP request headers so that the web application can
see them at run time, without putting the constraint
on it to have to retrieve the POST data first to
have access to those inbound HTTP request headers?
An example would be a cgi application that relies on
mod_cgi. mod_cgi first reads the HTTP request
headers before reading the POST data
(add_common_vars() is called way before
ap_get_brigade() in cgi_handler()). So that means
the cgi application will never get the chance to see
the headers that my code inserted. Once
ap_get_brigade() returns, the headers will be set,
but add_common_vars() has already been executed.

Since I need to be able to peek at the POST data
without consuming it, the input filter is the only
known solution (right?).Is there a known work around

The only way I can see where I will have the ability
to insert those HTTP inbound request headers is if
my filter runs between the CORE_IN and the HTTP_IN
input filter, in which case I will need a properly
populated request_rec* structure to be able to use
the ap_XXX APIs (typical things would be get the
mime-type, content-length of the POST data, protocol
version, etc). Since my filter will run before the
HTTP_IN filter would have had a chance to parse the
request line and the request headers, it will most
likely cause confusion within the Apache internal

Any other ideas?

Thanks, -Alberto

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