>> Well the http tuning of string handling is a known factor of
>> optimization

You're right - nothing new about optimizing string handling - just doing it

>> BTW, if you post these benchmarks on the HTTPd-dev list, should I
assume you'll give ASF your optimized & tuned algorithms ?

I wouldn't assume anything at this point - however if you remember correctly
we did give the ASF mod_gzip (last time I checked even Google was
compressing their output), however there will be an open source contribution
at some point.

>> Do you known that IBM does some nice optimization using FRCA on its
Apache 2.0 implementation on iSeries

Great - where are the benchmarks, as I said in my earlier post what's the
differentiator between 1.x with 66% of the market and 2.x with 0% of the

Remember your audience - it either has to make me money or save me money. If
I'm going to implement 2.x then I should be able to see a return on the time
I've invested either through a hardware/performance improvement or

We all know why 2.x is struggling - the bar was set with 1.x and 2.x failed
to move it more than about 1 inch. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Gomez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: the wheel of httpd-dev life is surely slowing down, solutions

Peter J. Cranstone a écrit :

> There is no flame - just a couple of points and a request for data.
>>>If you want to improve something, you should provide solutions,
> not critics
> Certainly - early next year you will see them. Here are some current
> performance stats with some new technology we're working on.
> Configuration Tool    Elapsed Time
> (sec’s)       Data Transfer Rate
> (KB/sec)      Requests per Second     Requests per
> Minute        Performance Gain
> Factor        
> Apache        Apache Bench    38.735  882.92  2581.64 154,898 1.0     
> Cyclone Proxy Cache
> +
> Apache        Apache Bench    15.663  2387.79 6384.47 383,068 2.47    
> Apache        Zeus Bench      39.961  855.83  2502.44 150,146.4       1.0

> Squid
> +
> Apache        Zeus Bench      28.910  1314.42 3459.01 207,540.6       1.38

> Cyclone Proxy Cache
> +
> Apache        Zeus Bench      15.176  2464.42 6589.35 395,361 2.63    
> Cyclone Proxy Cache
> (Tuned Parser)
> +
> Apache        Zeus Bench      13.505  2769.34 7404.67 444,280.2       2.95

> Cyclone Proxy Cache 
> (4 Tuned Functions)
> +
> Apache        Zeus Bench      13.006  2875.6  7688.76 461,325.6       3.07

> These numbers were obtained using a single processor Itanium® 1.0Ghz
> (Madison) chip. By tuning certain HTTP string handling functions we have
> seen up to a factor 11 performance improvement.
> Our next benchmark is due by year end. Essentially we will be adding one
> more line for the stats above. The goal is very simple - transmit greater
> than 1 million requests in a single minute on a single processor Itanium
> 1Ghz machine. A factor 10 performance improvement. A single processor
> Deerfield Itanium® chip costs $744 - our solution doesn't require a
> OS, nor hard drive to operate - it scales to multiple chips and can
> a cache of up to 1 terabyte of RAM
>>>Revolution is for new players, carefully crafted evolutions are for the 
> Mass
> Yep…  Support for a 1TB cache, no hard drive, no current OS required, and
> the ability to pump data faster than any other platform on the planet
> do the trick. Only thing left is to get the Itanium® platform into a
> 1RU box at sub $5,000. I doubt we will have to wait long for that.
> Long live the revolution
> Regards,

Well the http tuning of string handling is a known factor of
optimization, just study tomcat 3.2, 3.3 and Coyote 1.1 and
you'll that it could still be optimized.

BTW, if you post these benchmarks on the httpd-dev list, should I
assume you'll give ASF your optimized&tuned algorythms ?

Do you known that IBM does some nice optimization using FRCA on its
Apache 2.0 implementation on iSeries ?

A proof that Apache 2.0 is a great platform for such games ;)

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