Ace Suares wrote:

Brent Putnam has told me that mod_auth_ldap in 2.0 differs from 1.3 (the external rudedog module) and that his patch won't work, and that he has no time on his hands at the moment. Okay, that means that as only option I can just post a bug report, and I will... In the hope that the next 2.0.x release will have it fixed. I mean, I downgraded from apache2 because of this problem! Only to discover it was there in 1.3 + rudedog too. But the rudedog module got fixed by Brent Putnam, but alas the maintainer of the rudedog module [Dave] hasn't reacted to my request to patch 1.6.0. So, there's a dead end there too... I love Open Source development >:-)

The wheels turn slowly, but they do turn. If you expect people to be at your beck and call, to apply the patches immediately as they're submitted, then you're going to have to pay us :)

The patch is available that in theory should solve your problem, so you should not have a need to downgrade from v2.0 - if the patch is in bugzilla then it won't fall through the cracks, and once I've achieved the impossible for my client by the end of this weekend, I'll have some time to review and apply it - you're going to have to be patient though.

Your effort in hunting down the problem in the first place is greatly appreciated - the end result is that Apache has one less bug and is mroe stable than before, but this stuff still takes time...


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